Friday, December 29, 2006

From the December Issue

It is new years resolution time! I am a smoker, and I am making the resolution to cut back and eventually quit in 2007 (but, I will not give up my cigars). In the December issue of BRAKE & FRONT END, I try to tackle the subject from the perspectives of a tech, smoker and human being. Enjoy, and please leave your comments.


What you can’t smell can hurt you

I once worked with a tech that the only time he was not smoking was when he was test-driving a customer’s vehicle. He smoked unfiltered Pall Malls, which had a distinctive smell and taste. He was one of the best techs I ever worked — he had talent and “the touch.”

One morning, I watched him change the oil on a car (using a two-post lift) without ever putting down his cigarette or oversized coffee cup. Just about any fool can attempt this, but they usually wind up with a coffee mug full of ashes or…

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